Tarot Card Meanings
Major Arcana - Tarot de Marseille

Tarot cards used on this website represent a restored card version of the Tarot de Marseille. This tarot card deck comes originally from the 15th century and it is one of the oldest surviving tarot sets at all. These tarot cards therefore combine the spirit of modern times and tradition proven by many centuries ...
The Fool - Tarot card meaning

The Fool is a hairy beggar, which is leaving the comfortable life and embarks on a journey into the unknown. He only carries a little with him. He does not desire prosperity and wealth and you should beware of these desires, too. The Fool encourages modesty. True values for him are the immediate experience and knowledge from his journeys ...
The Magician - Tarot card meaning

The Magician is very skillful. He can amuse and entertain. He is very smart, attracts attention, and is a born entertainer. He does not let anyone fool him, because he knows a lot of tricks himself. However, he had to develop his talent for a long time, because without endurance and exercise he would have remained only a gifted disciple and would not have reached the mastery ...
The High Priestess - Tarot card meaning

The High Priestess is self-confident and calm, because she achieved the balance between her desires and ways of realizing them. This balance is very rare and even mysterious to many people. The High Priestess holds a book in her hands, from which she draws the knowledge. Wisdom is one of the few permanent values in life. It is a source of spiritual energy ...
The Empress - Tarot card meaning

The High Priestess is self-confident and calm, because she achieved the balance between her desires and ways of realizing them. This balance is very rare and even mysterious to many people. The High Priestess holds a book in her hands, from which she draws the knowledge. Wisdom is one of the few permanent values in life. It is a source of spiritual energy ...
The Emperor - Tarot card meaning

The Emperor is a powerful ruler. He represents a father figure who should give a good example to us. He embodies the authority who has to solve many important decisions. Therefore the Emperor has to be strong and determined, to be able to solve the problems and take important actions ...
The Belief - Tarot card meaning

The Belief depicts a wise man, who has found what many people are missing today – true faith. He speaks to his disciples about life, about its pleasures and sufferings. Faith gives meaning to our lives. And it does not always have to be the religious faith. A common belief, that good deeds are worth doing ...
The Lovers - Tarot card meaning

The Lovers show an angel of love who is pointing his arrow down to the ground among ordinary people, where he tries to awaken their mutual passion and emotions. This card has no central figure, because human relationships are often very complicated. This card is also ambiguous, and therefore it depends on you, how you interpret it ...
The Chariot - Tarot card meaning

The Chariot represents a brave warrior, who is driven by a strong pair of horses. With a closer look you will discover, that the card motive resembles more a carnival scene, which is framed by the curtain above. Whether the man is a real mighty conqueror or just a theater actor depends on you ...
The Justice - Tarot card meaning

The Justice is a prudent and respectable guardian of stability. She is clutching a sword and scales in her hands. Scales signify, that the Justice puts emphasis on careful consideration of every action and every word. The sword is a sign of respect for order and a warning to anyone, who wants to plunge the world into chaos or injustice ...
The Hermit - Tarot card meaning

The Hermit is an aging wise man who lives in seclusion. He is devoted to meditation and contemplation. He is interested primarily in the past. His gaze is directed to the left, what indicates looking back in the time. If he would be turned to the other side, it would remind us of looking into the future. That's why he is wrapped in a warm coat, because it embodies the autumn of life ...
The Wheel of Fortune - Tarot card meaning

The Wheel of Fortune portrays three grotesque figures, probably monkeys, holding a large spinning wheel. The upper figure with a crown and a sword represents the ruling presence. The future is climbing upwards on the right. It has large ears and wide-open eyes to better recognize, what to bring along into the present. The past is sadly heading down on the left. Its time has passed. The whole Wheel is sailing on sea waves ...
The Strength - Tarot card meaning

The Strength shows a courageous woman who can tame a wild animal at her side. She has a real passion and massive power available. Either she will be able to control these properties and use them to her advantage, or they would overcome and absorb her. To perform many actions you can use either intelligence or force. This card indicates that the motivation for your deeds will be the immense courage and inner desire ...
The Hanged Man - Tarot card meaning

The Hanged Man man is hung by one leg on the rope. The question is, why does he persist in this unusual and apparently uncomfortable position? As a matter of fact, there are two explanations. It may be someone, who deserves the punishment, and therefore he was tied to the gibbet. At this point, he has to suffer and carry the consequences of his actions ...
Death - Tarot card meaning

The Death shows a skeleton with a scythe. Despite concerns this card is not a premonition of physical death, but it is primarily a symbol of life change. The old things leave to give way to something new. However, as many major life changes are accompanied by painful experiences, this frightening scene is justifiable here. The skeleton (do not use the name Death on principle) walks across a black fertile field where the grains will soon begin to grow ...
The Temperance - Tarot card meaning

The Temperance is a guardian angel. She is holding two containers and mixes thoroughly both contents. It is a reminder of the historical method of mixing water with wine. But it is good to understand this act in the broader sense. The containers are symbolizing how the world and our actions are tightly connected. Just as water mixed into the wine can not be recovered ...
The Devil - Tarot card meaning

The Devil on this card is a very peculiar character. Obviously it is no dark envoy from the hell, not such we would expect in fairy-tales. This Devil is humorous at first glance, because he has a squint and is sticking out his tongue – as if he wanted to make us laugh by his grimace. However, his second face located in the belly signifies that we should not believe this impression ...
The Tower - Tarot card meaning

The Tower shows a high building which is engulfed in fire. The roof flew off the walls by the destructive power of the flames. The Tower is a symbol of magnificent building work, but it is ruined due to the greed or pride of its builders. The characters pictured on the card perhaps wanted to get up to the sky, just because of their pure curiosity. Or maybe they were driven by their own vanity and desire to overcome their neighbors ...
The Star - Tarot card meaning

The Star shows a young naked girl with the whole sky shining above her. She holds two ewers in her hands, from which water flows into the river and also on the ground. The Star is a card of harvest and regeneration. It seems as if the life-giving water sprang directly from these ewers. Thanks to it the whole landscape is green and the water in the river rises ...
The Moon - Tarot card meaning

The Moon is turned to us from a side view. It does not speak directly to us. It also seems, as if the Sun with its rays was hiding behind it. The reason is simple. The Moon is really some kind of a mirror of the Sun. Its light which can be seen at night is just a reflection of sunlight. Once upon a time the Moon was alive ...
The Sun - Tarot card meaning

The Sun is looking directly at us. Its yellow rays are literally dancing in the amount of energy. The red ones are burning as a hot sword. Colorful drops are directed away from the Sun and they are also expressing the springing energy of which the Sun has an excessive amount. This card brings you motivation and determination ...
The Judgement - Tarot card meaning

This card pictures the Last Judgment scene described in the Bible. An angel is trumpeting the arrival of this event. All the dead rise from graves to be judged. Everyone is repaid in the final judgment according to his deeds. Everyone gets either eternal salvation or damnation. It does not matter whether you are Christians, Buddhists, other religion or atheists ...
The World - Tarot card meaning

The World card portrays a naked woman in the middle of the festive wreath. She is holding a magic wand in the left hand and a bottle with a mysterious essence in the right. The wand is the evidence of her power and the bottle reminds the strength of her knowledge. She is surrounded by the four evangelists, who have a halo over the head ...
Fortune telling cards
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