Tarot reading › Daily Tarot Reading › Swords


Daily Tarot Reading - Body, Mind, Energy

Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

If you are drawn towards the Knight of Swords, it means that the time has come for you to start working on everything that you are planning or that is important to you. Especially if there is harmony between sense and feelings in your consciousness. For women, this symbol could mean that today they will show adamant determination, great effort and willpower. The Knight of Swords Tarot card warns you to be aware of people born under the signs of Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. In the next few days, one of them could play an important role in your life.

Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

If you are drawn towards the Queen of Swords, you can take your protective mask off today and come out of your protective roles. Try searching for a childlike soul within yourself. You may need some advice. The most suitable people for you are the ones born under the Air signs of Aquarius, Gemini or Libra. Behave freely and without pretension.

Prince (Page) of Swords

Prince (Page) of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

If you are drawn towards the Prince (Page) of Swords, it means that you may show your intuitive thinking today. Don't worry about a routine that bores you. Let your hidden dynamic creative energy flow, because it now wants to be actively expressed. The Prince of Swords Tarot card also points out people in your vicinity, who are born under the Aquarius sign. How is your current relationship? Maybe you will be desirable inspiration for some of them. Show others today, where new journeys take you.

King of Swords

King of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

You have chosen the King of Swords. If you haven't woken up in a good mood today, you must do something about it. Same as with the whims of people around you. Observe whether others do as they say. Your thinking will be practical, thus others could learn something from you today. The King of Swords Tarot card urges you not to waste energy intended for carrying out your interests, especially in the financial area. Focus on a selected target and go for it.

Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

If you are drawn towards the Ace of Swords, today is going to be a good day. You can start implementing your original ideas or go ahead with your big dream. You have a great sense for making the right choices. Hence you will make a good decision. The Ace of Swords Tarot card indicates that positive energy can increase during the next few days. Today is the ideal day for using your creative thinking as a source for the correct and required inspiration of your acts. If there are people born under the signs of Libra, Aquarius or Gemini in your vicinity, you could at last comprehend their motives.

Two of Swords

Two of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

You have chosen the Two of Swords card. If your mind has been hesitating for some time - you can decide between two people or things - now is the right time to choose one of them. Your mind is ready to make the right choice. The Two of Swords Tarot card indicates that you will be filled with feelings of inner peace and satisfaction afterwards. This card is a symbol of inner decision. Your mind is prepared to consciously link more options in order to make the coveted decision.

Three of Swords

Three of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

If you are drawn towards the Three of Swords, it means that you are filled with grief and sorrow from feelings that have recently come to the surface due to your relationships. The Three of Swords Tarot card reflects the human need to get out of relationships that hurt and cause grief, and on the other hand search for relationships filled with positive energy. The Three of Swords can also mean three people as well as symbolise some joint event that had a deep effect on you. This sorrow can cause negative energy in your soul. But you belong to today. This card indicates that you are ready to change your negative thinking. So go for it.

Four of Swords

Four of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

If you are drawn towards the Four of Swords, during the next few days you might be able to solve a conflict with people you care about. However, if you are not prepared for it psychologically, let the weapons rest and wait with the solving of the conflict for a bit longer. Today you may participate in an important meeting. If you use principals like adaptability and generosity together with serenity and objectivity, you can ensure success.

Five of Swords

Five of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

The Five of Swords Tarot card impersonates fear of defeat or a painful memory of a defeat suffered in the past. If you are drawn towards this card, it means that you have decided to dispose of negative thinking that evokes feelings of fear in you. If you are worried that you won't be able to stand up for yourself, the Five of Swords will help you overcome your fear. Be decisive. The fear of defeat is pointless and it makes you open your arms to failure. Be positive and you will succeed.

Six of Swords

Six of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

If you draw the Six of Swords, don't be afraid to look at things as they really are, without the need to adorn them. Try to communicate your ideas and decisions objectively enough for them to be heard and accepted. Concentrate your mind and all your efforts on a single target. Today you will be able to without any problems perceive even the smallest details as part of an inseparable unit. A journey or some change is awaiting you. Prepare yourself also for insecurity that is linked to a higher level of your independence. It is, however, a natural development for you. You need to make a step forward today. The Six of Swords Tarot card could also mean that you will meet a person born under the Aquarius sign and communicate creatively and objectively together.

Seven of Swords

Seven of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

The Seven of Swords represents a negative way of thinking, which evokes a feeling of futility inside. Today, however, you have woken up with the feeling of being determined to overcome your mind's tendency to fall into these negative thinking patterns. They, in fact, primarily prevent you from implementing everything you wish for. It is also possible the given patterns that create obstacles on your way to reach the target have, seven days ago, already surfaced, even seven month or seven years. The Seven of Swords Tarot card urges you to try and overcome these negative patterns. If this effort is successful, it will open a path before you that will make the implementation of ideas, thoughts and plans a joyful event.

Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

The Eight of Swords symbolises a mind full of doubt and distrust that has the tendency to pick out pointless details. If today you are experiencing doubt and inner confusion, wait with any action until your soul is clear. Definitely do not start carefully analysing any touchy subjects. Your point of view is bleary and your judgement will not be objective enough. The Eight of Swords warns that excessive analysing only brings more doubts, and inner confusion becomes even deeper. Instead of getting involved in the natural course of things, just calm down and leave everything to a higher power.

Nine of Swords

Nine of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

The Nine of Swords represents self-torture and tendency towards cruel self-criticism and destructive self-condemnation. The mind consciously hurts the soul. Try to overcome your negative thinking and self-criticism today and in the next few days. Self-blame and remorse could be linked to a certain issue that you are aware of. This state may concern people born under the sign of Gemini. The Nine of Swords Tarot card tells you to try and forgive yourself as well as others. The pain you may feel from self-condemnation, could very well be caused for no reason at all. Find a source of spiritual energy within yourself, as it can support your determination.

Ten of Swords

Ten of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

The Ten of Swords symbolises a mind constrained by the fear of ones own breakdown and destruction. This state controls the mind so much that you can believe in your complete failure and absolute defeat. Try and think about the source of your worries. It can be related to finances or deep emotional relationships. The fact that this card appeared in your hand indicates that you have a decision, whether conscious or unconscious, to overcome this fear. The Ten of Swords Tarot card also symbolises happiness, or a supportive impulse and energy that will help you end the fear you are experiencing.

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