Tarot reading › Celtic Cross Tarot Reading › Wands

- Knight of Wands
- Queen of Wands
- Prince (Page) of Wands
- King of Wands
- Ace of Wands
- Two of Wands
- Three of Wands
- Four of Wands
- Five of Wands
- Six of Wands
- Seven of Wands
- Eight of Wands
- Nine of Wands
- Ten of Wands
Knight of Wands
The reading:
Sudden positive change. Change in perceiving the world. If you are drawn towards this card, it means that if you wanted to start something, now is the time. The Knight of Wands will be of help. Also people born under the sign of Aries, Leo or Sagittarius may help you. If you strongly concentrate on reaching a certain target, you can reach it and the direction of your further path may also become clearer.
Queen of Wands
The reading:
The only target is to reveal your identity. If you are drawn towards this card, it means that you should look deeper into your soul. The mirror image of your search could be people born under the signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. You have reservations about yourself but you've come a long way. You can be satisfied with yourself and boldly continue the journey.
Prince (Page) of Wands
The reading:
Sensing a creative strength and its immediate use. If you are drawn towards this card, it means that you would like to take a new direction. People born under the sign of Leo could help you with this. If you are about to travel, it is possible that you may meet someone born under the sign of Leo, who is important for you. In any case, don't be alone for some time.
King of Wands
The reading:
Dedication to freedom and liberty. Overcoming your fear. If you are drawn towards this card, it means that you'd like to fulfil your desire for freedom, adventure and new beginnings. Overcome your inner blocks, anxiety and fear, which have been besetting you lately. Strengthen your spirit and experience an influx of new energy and joy of life.
Ace of Wands
The reading:
The symbol of getting to know yourself, self-revelation. Self-realisation at the level of your deepest "self". Ability to recognise the individual aspects of your personality, which causes determination to process inner negativity, blocks, obstacles or restrictions. The Ace of Wands is a symbol of spiritual self-realisation or awakening and is associated with the principal of the truth. This card warns you that you should avoid any self-censorship as well as pretentious, unnatural behaviour in order to impress the people around you. It is time to start expressing yourself freely. Be yourself and do not betray your ideal. You are full of energy and vitality and your behaviour has a calming nature.
Two of Wands
The reading:
It is a state when everything that is part of you has been accepted, creating perfect balance. The Two of Wands is a symbolic expression of the power over yourself, inner strength balance as well as harmonious combination of various aspects. If you pick this card, it means that during the next few days or months you will gain so much energy that you will be able to take a step in a new direction. Stay cool. A flow of refreshing energy will allow you to start with exploring new unknown worlds.
Three of Wands
The reading:
Viewing yourself and the outer reality from the position of inner integrity, aware of all the positives and negatives. The Three of Wands is a symbol of amazing inner strength rising from inner integrity. If you pick this card, it means that during the next few days or months, you will feel the need to take a step in a new direction. If you are to be successful, you must firstly achieve inner balance. Should you meet someone you know, who is born under the sign of Aries, clarify your mutual relationship.
Four of Wands
The reading:
Viewing yourself and the outer reality, while being aware that everything is part of one whole. The understanding of how important each part is within the whole. The Four of Wands symbolises the process of completion. If you decide to direct your energy towards a new goal, it is necessary to firstly finish off and close everything linked to the past. This card can also be a warning that if you want to go ahead with something related to issues you haven't dealt with, fate will sooner or later bring you back, again and again, until you do so.
Five of Wands
The reading:
State of inner disharmony, anxiety or inner conflict. The Five of Wands represents anxiety. It is accompanied by a decreasing level of vitality. Do not let your prejudices limit you. Perhaps you feel that you are being prevented from expressing yourself creatively. Beware of people born under the sign of Leo. Do not let them stress you. Maybe in a few days or months, you will be able to overcome your state of anxiety and frustration. Try to go for a new way of creative thinking.
Six of Wands
The reading:
A winning breakthrough on the deepest level of your "self". The Six of Wands is the symbol of victory, experienced by the whole human being. But be careful, a true victory is a victory for both parties. You are able to achieve victory with no defeated parties in something that is important for you. Or maybe in the next few days, you will get creative opportunities that will charge you with life-giving energy and this could mean a breakthrough in your life.
Seven of Wands
The reading:
Character building through life experience. The Seven of Wands represents strength and courage. During the next few days or months, you might have to make a decision whether to stand up for your dreams and values, regardless of the possible consequences Do not let the people around you sway you and keep to what you value and what you believe in, whatever life area it is related to. Trust your intuition, because it speaks to you wisely.
Eight of Wands
The reading:
Ability to quickly manage your inner processes. Determination to immediately solve whatever is unpleasant or just as quickly remove a block or obstacle. Attempt to use problematic situations for the positive transformation of yourself. The Eight of Wands symbolises prompt communication. Thoughts are communicated directly without excuses. During the next few days or weeks, you might have to face a situation when you have to act immediately and directly. Such an impulse could get rid of your inhibitions. You can also attempt to solve your controversial matters. Do not be afraid to react and communicate promptly.
Nine of Wands
The reading:
Strength that evolves from your soul. Personal strength, that comes out during communication, insight, intuitive perception and vision. The Nine of Wands represents the strength of your spirit. During the next few days or months, you will gain plenty of life and spiritual energy to start implementing your visions. The level of your personal strength will increase so much that if you have to face any difficulties, you will manage them with no problems. Take advantage of your energetic potential wherever you think it is necessary within your life.
Ten of Wands
The reading:
The suppressing of your self. The Ten of Wands represents inner repression. Your soul is suffering, because you are denying the aspects that make you a unique being, in order to consciously replace them by a form, which you want the people around you to like, be impressed by and get pleasure from. Try to overcome your tendency to suppress your natural behaviour. You will then maybe realise, where it is coming from. Try not to look for situations that evoke your negative tendencies.