Tarot reading › Celtic Cross Tarot Reading › Pentacles

- Knight of Pentacles
- Queen of Pentacles
- Prince (Page) of Pentacles
- King of Pentacles
- Ace of Pentacles
- Two of Pentacles
- Three of Pentacles
- Four of Pentacles
- Five of Pentacles
- Six of Pentacles
- Seven of Pentacles
- Eight of Pentacles
- Nine of Pentacles
- Ten of Pentacles
Knight of Pentacles
The reading:
Well developed sense for health issues. If you are drawn towards this card, it means that you should concentrate on all your abilities, because your success could be at your reach if you try hard. People born under the sign of Leo could help you in the field of health and finances. The Knight of Pentacles heralds tangible success. So don't hesitate. Communicate with people. You can gain good opinions from people born under the sign of Capricorn, Virgo or Taurus.
Queen of Pentacles
The reading:
Attention to physical exercise, healthy diet and a natural environment. If you are drawn towards this card, it means that you want to bring new order to your life, mainly in relation to eating habits, focusing on a proper diet. Let yourself be pampered at the same time. It will bring you greater satisfaction. This way, you'll be able to bring beauty, inner satisfaction and good health into your life.
Prince (Page) of Pentacles
The reading:
Attention is focused on physical activity. If you are drawn towards this card, it means that you should start focusing on sport and exercising, unless you are already doing so. Sport could help you fulfil your desire to travel. At the same time, you could meet a person born under the sign of Taurus, who you could greatly inspire. Stay dynamic and build structures that are rich in abundance.
King of Pentacles
The reading:
Possession of unbelievable creativity. The control of balance between the masculine and feminine principal. If you are drawn towards this card, it means that you are able to recognise the new aspect of your "self". Try to do something for your new lifestyle or start a new creative project. The King of Pentacles can even start growing a new life. Think about your relationships with people born under the sign of Aries and Scorpio.
Ace of Pentacles
The reading:
Success comes thanks to you standing with your feet on the ground and thinking in a practical and organised way, without being up in the clouds. The Ace of Pentacles is the symbol of success. It is a success at the level of the material world, which brings joy to your soul. Start consciously working on the successful implementation of your thoughts and plans, while deepening the state of inner satisfaction in your soul. The Ace of Pentacles is the promise of your success. Do not be afraid of self-realisation.
Two of Pentacles
The reading:
A change is necessary to bring back balance in your life. The Two of Pentacles represents a change. It is a specific change at the level of the material world. Maybe during the next few days or months, you will have the opportunity to make changes of great significance and on a large scale, thanks to which there will be a restoration of the missing balance within your life. This constructive change may relate to people born under the sign of Capricorn.
Three of Pentacles
The reading:
Strong determination to get the best out of yourself in any situation. Complete concentration on a certain activity. The Three of Pentacles represents the ability to concentrate all your energy in order to achieve a certain goal. Start believing your own dreams and you will be able to fully concentrate. Confidence in yourself acts as an anchor in times of confusion and speculation and helps a person to overcome obstacles. During the next few days or months, you should clarify your priorities. But be careful, it will not be possible without perseverance, tenacity and accepting responsibility for your liabilities.
Four of Pentacles
The reading:
Getting hold of your energetic potential. Being sure of yourself. The Four of Pentacles represents personal strength and indicates internal power over yourself. If you pick this card, it means that during the next few days or months, your task will be to finally recognise your limits and learn to set them whenever and with ease. People born under the sign of Capricorn could help you solve conflicting issues. It is, however, necessary for you to be internally strong for this. Stick to your beliefs and values.
Five of Pentacles
The reading:
Worries about finances, health or relationships. The Five of Pentacles represents suffering. You cause your own fear and worry by the constant examination of a certain problem, which results in various catastrophic scenarios. If you pick this card, it means that during the next few days or months, you will be given an opportunity to overcome your worries or you will start dealing with your tendency to succumb, in certain situations, to the destructive patterns of behaviour and thinking, including the tendency to constantly worry and fear something. Try to understand where they are coming from and attempt to overcome these worries. Be present within your thoughts and do not be tempted to speculate about the future. Internally you are mature enough to get rid of your fear.
Six of Pentacles
The reading:
Deep desire on a level of consciousness to achieve a great performance of tangible results through the effort invested. The Six of Pentacles is the symbol of success, achieving the given objective and successful self-realisation. You can achieve success during the next few days or months. This will depend on you only. You will achieve as much success as you allow. This card can also herald a success during the implementation of something that has a deep meaning for you.
Seven of Pentacles
The reading:
Fear of defeat or a feeling that you have failed. The Seven of Pentacles represents a fear of failing but also a fear of success. You are afraid that something in the outer world will fail and you are also scared by the idea that you will experience success, because you don't know what to do with it. Take advantage of an opportunity that will come within the next few days or months and try finding the source of your fear of failure, send loving energy towards it and you will see that you will manage to get rid of your fears.
Eight of Pentacles
The reading:
Wisdom, coming out of the state of inner balance and integrity. The Eight of Pentacles represents wisdom and prudence. If you pick this card, it means that during the next few days or months you will notice a harvest as a result of your judicious conduct, wisdom and prudence. Use your organisational skills and attention to detail. You will benefit from it. People born under the sign of Virgo could give you fruitful opportunity. The Eight of Pentacles represents a state of consciousness, which doesn't know extremes and which doesn't try to attract attention to itself. It is characterised by inner peace and order.
Nine of Pentacles
The reading:
Benefit that comes out on all levels of consciousness. Physical gain on the level of outer reality, which originates from projects, relationships and other opportunities. The Nine of Pentacles represents literally a bingo. It is a personified material gain, benefit, contribution and advantage. Other than that, it has a positive effect on finances. If you pick this card, it means that during the next few days or months, you will probably notice tangible gain as a result of your determined following of your heart as well as the rules you have devoted your life to.
Ten of Pentacles
The reading:
Ability to communicate while using the richness of dreams or an other source of information. Ability to pass information on in a pleasant and systematic way. The Ten of Pentacles represents wealth, abundance and prosperity. If you pick this card, it means that during the next few days or months you will be able to start creating specific forms of wealth through effective communication, organisational skills and systematic procedures. The results you will achieve, will demonstrate that you have finally understood the principles of prosperity and abundance. You could be inspired by people born under the sign of Virgo.