Tarot reading › Yearly Tarot Card › Death/Rebirth


Death/Rebirth - Yearly Tarot Card


At first we must state that this symbol doesn't represent actual death. It is only symbolic. This could mean that during that year, even you will experience the Death of your old "self" for the Rebirth of your new "self". This Death will end some relationships (it may cause a divorce in this year), close or end some projects, for which time has run out. You will be gradually filled with a desire to enter new relationships and build new foundations. You will want to express newly discovered aspects of your personality in everything that will follow this period of radical changes. Apart from that, this symbol can mean gaining inspiration from an interesting person born under the sign of Scorpio (24th October - 22nd November). A month under the sign of Scorpio can bring changes in your relationships. This year means that you are putting aside everything that you have overcome to make room for a new attitude, ideas and values.

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