Tarot reading › Celtic Cross Tarot Reading › Swords


Celtic Cross Tarot Reading

Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

Great mental energy, ambition, determination rising from emotional stability. If you are drawn towards this card, it means that it's time to get on with everything you are planning and means something to you, especially if there is conscious harmony between sense and feelings. For women this symbol can mean that they will show uncompromising determination, great dedication and willpower. Be aware of people born under the sign of Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. Very soon one of them may play an important role for you.

Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

Determination to dispose of all defensive roles and shields and everything that seems unnatural. If you are drawn towards this card, it means that you can throw away your protective mask and get rid of all your defensive roles. Try and search for the childhood soul inside you. You may need advice. Ideal are people born under the air signs of Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. Behave freely and without pretence.

Prince (Page) of Swords

Prince (Page) of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

Determination to overcome any restrictions and obstacles that are in the way of mental creativity. If you are drawn towards this card, it means that your intuitive thinking could become evident. Don't spend time on a routine that bores you. Let your dynamic creative energy circulate as it wants to be actively expressed. If you are close to a person born under the sign of Aquarius, take a look at your current relationship. You may inspire someone to take new journeys.

King of Swords

King of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

Well developed ability to prevent your mood swings get to the mental level of your consciousness. If you are drawn towards this card, it means that if you are not in a good mood, you have to fight it. Same as the whims of people around you. Watch whether others do as they say. You display practical thinking therefore many others can learn from you. However, don't waste your energy that's meant for carrying out your interests, mainly in the field of finances.

Ace of Swords

Ace of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

Inspired intellect - determination. If you are drawn towards this card, it means that you have good times ahead of you. You can start carrying out your original ideas or start implementing your big dream. You have a great sense for making the right choices. So at least make a decision. Positive energy could increase even more during the upcoming months. If there are people born under the sign of Libra, Aquarius or Gemini in your vicinity, you can finally understand their motives. Nothing stands in your way of drawing from your creative thinking source.

Two of Swords

Two of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

The resolving of something involving two issues or situations, decisions or relationships. Understanding two polarities and their conscious merge, which creates harmony. If you are drawn towards this card, it means that if your mind has been hesitating to make a decision between two people or things for some time, now is the time to decide on one of them. Your mind is ready to make the right choice. Feelings of inner peace and satisfaction awaits you after this. This card symbolises inner decision. Your mind is able to consciously link more options in order to make the right decision.

Three of Swords

Three of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

Old fashioned patterns on a mental level, which are linked to the past and which you haven't been able to overcome. Symbol, representing triangular relationships. If you are drawn towards this card, it means that you have filled up with grief and sorrow from your relationships, which have recently risen to the surface. The Three of Swords card reflects your need to get out of relationships that hurt you and cause sadness, and look for relationships filled with positive energy. The Three of Swords can also mean three people as well as symbolising some joint event that had a deep effect on you. This sadness may be causing your negative energy. But you are a part of today. This card suggests that you are ready to change your negative thinking.

Four of Swords

Four of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

The understanding of a certain issue, relationship or something similar, which needs an absolution. If you are drawn towards this card, it means that during the next few days or months you might be able to solve a conflict with people who mean something to you. In case you are not ready for it, hold your fire and wait with absolution. You may attend an important meeting. If you apply principles, such as flexibility and generosity together with serenity and objectivity, you can be sure of success.

Five of Swords

Five of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

Everything in your soul is upside down due to anxiety that controls you. It is a condition when you are full of fear of being defeated. The Five of Swords represents fear of defeat, or a painful memory of a suffered defeat. If you are drawn towards this card, it means that you are ready to get rid of negative thinking, which makes you feel scared. If you are worried that you will fail in something, make a decision and overcome the fear from failure.

Six of Swords

Six of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

Strongly developed analytical and logical thinking is also showing on the outside. If you pick out this card, don't be afraid to see things as they are, without the need to make them more attractive. Try to communicate your ideas and decisions objectively enough for them to be heard and accepted. Concentrate your mind and all your efforts on one specific goal as you will be able to perceive even the smallest particulars as part of one indivisible whole. This card could also mean that you will meet a person born under the sign of Aquarius and have a creative and objective conversation with them.

Seven of Swords

Seven of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

Negative thinking. You desire something but keep convincing yourself that you can't get it. The Seven of Swords represents a negative way of thinking, which causes frustration deep inside. You are determined to overcome your mind's tendency to create negative thinking patterns, which stop you from achieving what you want to. It is possible that the given patterns, which are in your way towards your target have come to the surface seven days, months or years ago. Try to overcome these negative patterns. It will open up a way to a happy accomplishment of your ideas, thoughts and plans.

Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

Tendency to analyse everything too much, which causes doubts and inner confusion. The Eight of Swords symbolises a mind full of doubts and distrust, which has the tendency to analyse everything into the last detail. If you are experiencing doubts and inner confusion, it is not a good idea to act, but wait until everything deep inside your soul has been resolved. Certainly do not start analysing any delicate subjects in detail. Too much analysing only causes more doubts and increases inner confusion even more. Instead of interfering with the natural running of events, calm down and hand it over to the higher power.

Nine of Swords

Nine of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

Tendency to humiliate yourself. Opening wounds from the past that only increase the feelings of defeat and being wronged. The Nine of Swords represents self-torment, tendency towards severe self-criticism and self-condemnation. The mind is consciously hurting the soul. In the next days or months try to overcome your negative thinking and self-criticism. Self-blame and remorse may be associated with a certain issue, which you are aware of. This state may involve people born under the sign of Gemini. Try and forgive yourself for the pain that you may have caused yourself by self-condemnation. Find a source of spiritual energy within yourself, which could support your determination.

Ten of Swords

Ten of Swords Tarot card

The reading:

State of despair, helplessness and hopelessness. The Ten of Swords symbolises a mind gripped by fear from failure and destruction. This state influences the mind so much that you could start believing in your misfortune and an absolute loss. Try to think about the source of your worries. It may be caused by finance or deep emotional relationships. The fact that this card has come to your hand suggests that you are coming to a decision, whether conscious or unconscious, to overcome this fear. Number ten means luck, therefore it is possible to end the fear you are experiencing.

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